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Investigative Study Practical
3D Models (Maya) into CG Cinematic Film (Short Clip)
For my investigative practical I will create a CG scene, by creating 3d models from Maya to Unreal Engine and then make a cinematic video out of it. In the scene will be a small city in one area but oblivion from the world with broken vehicles and nature taking over it.
Reference Movie (Deadpool Scene and 3D Shot)
Screenshot 2021-01-19 004201.jpg
Screenshot 2021-01-19 004135.jpg
Reference CG Game (The Last Of Us 2)
Game Engine
CG Cinematic
My Practical Work From Maya To Unreal Engine 4
Unreal Engine 4 Imported Scene (Build Up)
From here i created my models and used past models that i created in 2018 to be used as props for the scene, then exported the scene and went on unreal engine to import eveything, Afterwards i apply my textures and used foliagefor the trees and the grass, then i set up to camera to render the scene. Then i went on after effects to add in the effects.
My Practical Work (Final Comp And VFX Breakdown)
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