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Collabration Project
For this collbration will be grouping up with Beatrice and the PR people Anveer and Kasia. The project will be the Disney Brief which we decided to do a short video of all the Disney characters from the past and present.
Development will be a zoom call which we will have the main characters talk and then they will invite the rest in the call and there will be music in the video fpr the background 
Beatrice Responsibilities
  • Planning
  • Developing a preview in photoshop
  • Creating the base template of the Zoom in photoshop
Israel Responsibilities
  • Creating the video
  • Adding the Zoom template (from Beatrice creation)
  • Adding short clips of every Disney character in the call (Video)
  • Adding effects
  • Adding music
Kasia Marketing Responsibilities
  • Key audience insights
  • How and where your ideas will run
  • Tagline for the campaign
  • A series of key visuals and mock ups across
Disney Brief
Screenshot 2021-05-18 100323.jpg
Zoom Call (Evidence)
Screenshot 2021-05-15 141942.jpg
Screenshot 2021-05-15 145334.jpg
From here Me, Beatrice and Kasia went on zoom call to discuss and plan about what we was going to show and create for the Disney brief
Kasia Ideal Plan (PowerPoint)
Beatrice Photoshop Plan
Screenshot 2021-04-27 112317.jpg
From here Beatrice did a small mock on photoshop to show an idea of what could look like for the video or Instagram post which she decided to create this on photoshop.
Israel After Effects (W.I.P)
Screenshot 2021-05-18 101106.jpg
Screenshot 2021-06-02 115246.jpg
Final Video (Instagram or Zoom)
Final Video


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