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Sky And Land Manipulation





For this piece of work i started off grabbing two images (Grey sky and land with rocks, in order for me to place two of the images together i used photoshop and for the tool i used quick select which i only selected to blue sky in image 2 and removed it and replaced it with image 1 which is the grey sky. i also used the mask tool to remove the blue sky and replaced it.

Sheep and Cat Manipulation




Cat to sheep.jpg

For the sheep and cat manipulation i started by collecting two animal images and simply and selected the body and the background in image 2 with the quick selection and clicked on inverse to only select the head of the cat and replaced it on image 1, onto the sheeps head.

Mixed Animal: Lion and Wolf




Lion and Wolf.jpg

The mixed animal lion and the wolf. I collected two images which i started image 1 by using only the quick select tool in photoshop and just selecting the background and the wolfs body but not the head, and then clicked on inverse to grab the head and copied and pasted it in image 2 to replace the lions face. I also used the eraser tool to remove some of the edges of the face and used the adjustment layer/ curves to remove some of the blacks and brighting them up to down and bring out the red, and then i did same method with lion body then i colour corrected the image to make both images look the same.

Mixed Animal: Dog, Cheetah and Fish Tail




© 2018 Israel Mcking.

Hybrid_Animals_Example (5).jpg

The mixed animal, i started off collecting 3 images, dog, cheetah and the fish tail. the main image that was being transformed was image 1 the dog. i started by using image 2 and quick selected the background and the body and clicked on inverse which helped me to only select the face and copied and pasted it into image 1 and places over the layer onto the face of dog and did the same with image 3 by seleecting the fish tail and placing it onto the feet's of dog. After that i did some adjustments to colour correct the image.

Fake News










grass and leafs01.jpeg


Lizard Manipulation02.jpg
Lizard Manipulation05.jpg

This is short video of me working on the lizard and trying to make it look like its there in the image




Part 2
Lizard Manipulation02.jpg

I started by collecting lizard images from google to use for the background image that i am manipulating. I collected a secondary resource of a street then went on photoshop and used the quick selection and selected all the lizard images and removed the background and placed them in different places in the street background and then colour corrected them

Part 3

I started the same method with part 2 however i removed and replaced some of the areas in the image and placed them with lizards and then i colour corrected the image.

Bond Gadget
3D Model
Watch Reference
Screen Shot 2018-10-08 at 17.03.01.png

I started off building the screen of the watch with a polygon cube and resized it and did the same with the bracelet by using a polygon pipe, After that i created the rest of the parts for the watch then i smoothen them, to give some depth with some details to make the model look like the watch.

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Building the model
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I started off modelling the body of the toaster and adding segments to divide and extrude the wholes, then i modelled the head by using a reference image and extruded the wholes. 

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I started off modelling one part of the legs which i used the cylinder and removed some of the faces and extruded it down then i did the same method on the second part and extruded it and went on vertex to build the muscle from the reference.

I started off modelling the wheels by using the cylinder and removed half of the body and extruded it to build the depths into the wholes.

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For this part i modelled the extra parts of the toaster and duplicated them around the front of the face and then for the legs i duplicated them and placed them around of the body, after that i placed the materials,

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From here i added all of the materials on the the model by using the aistandardsurface and added colours and added some glow into the buttons of the model and then i added a Arnold sky dome light and replaced it with a HDRI 360 background and tried to place the model in there and i also added some shadows to the ground by placing a plane. Here is the finished outcome of the model, the model wasn't finished because i was going to add more parts to model however the model it self turned out good.

New York Rooftops
Water Tower Reference
Modelling the water tower
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Texturing model
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This model is a preview of the water tower that i am building, which i went on maya and used a reference image then i started to create and build each part of the water tower with a polygon cube, cone, sphere, pipe and cylinder.

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These are screenshots of my work that i am developing on maya to build the water tower and the extra parts for it.

Watch Dogs(Game) Rooftop Reference
Building the model and texture
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UV Snap and Texturing (Short Video)
Modelling the air conditioner
Watch Dogs(Game) Rooftop Air Conditioner Reference
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Modelling the rooftop air conditioner (Short Video)
Model Render(Preview)
Water_Tower Lights29.jpg

This is a preview of the models that i created with materials and textures i also decided on adding lights so when i render the model i can see how it looks like and compare it with reference if it looks real or not.

New York Building Reference
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New York Building Reference
Modelling NY Buildings
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For the New York rooftop i started of modelling the assets first which were the water tower and air conditioners. After that i searched for new York rooftops as a reference to model the buildings, which i added windows and the fire escape and added the materials and textures.

Modelling NY Fire Escapes
Fire Escapes Reference
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Modelling NY Buildings
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UV Mapping and Texturing (Short Video)
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This is a speed video of me texturing the building after it was finished. On the left side is when i finished texturing the building and duplicated it.

Rendered Scene

This is how the scene was rendered which my opinion it turned out as planned and it turned out amazing however i should of brightened the sky dome a bit more in order to see everything more clear.

Time Leap
China Town Project
Building The Models
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Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at 12.59.28.png

For this project (Time Leap) i decided to create something different, something i've never seen or anyone thinking to create, so the plan for this project was creating the London eye as you can see below this is the London eye model that i created which of course i used a reference image to create it however then i got inspired by someone that got me back into Korea stuff but i didn't create Korea so instead i created china town, which then i created half of china and and half of china town. I started off modelling the entrance and the small houses then i moved on to china town with the buildings, the shops, the lanterns and the china entrance stand.

London Eye Model (Rendered Image)

In order for me to create this model, i used a polygon cylinders, polygon pipe, polygon cube to build the London eye and to build the ground which is the bridge. Then i created a plane and added a material to create the sea and then i used a sky dome to give light for the scene when i render it. 

Chinese Lantern Model
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Window Model
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Window, House Model
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Grass Model
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Tree Model (Plum Blossom)
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These are my finished models that i created for my china project (Time Leap). For the grass and tree, i used the paint effect in maya and added texture and materials for both models. For the windows, lantern and the house i used a references to build them and added materials, textures and glow.

Rendered Scene

These are the final renders of the scene for my project, Which turned out amazing and that i'm happy of what i have developed for both projects (New York Rooftop and Time Leap).

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